Road Map

Current features of Tiotha

1. Tiotha has a familiar interface (a box of icons which launch the selected program).

2. Tiotha can use any standard icon (specify file and index).

3. If the specified icon is not found, Tiotha uses a question mark placeholder icon.

4. Tiotha always opens as a percent of screen resolution and centered.

5. Tiotha alows a hotkey (F6) to restore the Tiotha window to its initial size and position.

6. Tiotha has a small app (shutdown.exe) for logging off or shutting down gracefully.

7. Tiotha uses a XML configuration file to determine which programs to include.

8. Tiotha uses stack logic to enforce complex relationships.

9. Tiotha allows a hotkey (F5) to reload the XML configuration file and reapply all logic rules.

10. Tiotha has a command line option (-noclose) that prevents the user from closing it.

11. Tiotha has a command line option (-xmlfile) that loads an alternative configuration file.

12. Tiotha supports six conditional rules: file existence, directory existence, user group membership and their inverses.

13. Tiotha supports two logical operators “and” and “or."

14. Tiotha has a status bar containing: username, computer name, and logon server name.

15. Tiotha has a command line option (-nostatus) that removes the status bar.

16. Tiotha performs group membership checks quickly by building a list of the current users groups before each load of the XML configuration file.

17. Tiotha has a command line option (-verbose) that splits the view into icons and information for debugging the XML configuration file.

18. Tiotha supports launching applications when it loads.

19. Tiotha has a small app (startmenu.exe) to launch explorer in start menu mode.

20. Tiotha has support for scaling icons based on the user's settings.

21. Tiotha sets the working area to the entire screen, if explorer is NOT already running.

22. Tiotha has support for nested groups.

23. Tiotha has its own system tray. It can be disabled by a command line option (-noshell).

24. Tiotha has caching of settings files and user group memberships (for fault tolerance and mobile computers). It can be disabled by a command line option (-nocache).